[ WINTER 2012]

Doh, Hyoung Ho - Ph.D

1. A single-product parallel-facilities production-planning model. 01.08

Kim, Ji Su - Ph.D

1. Capacity planning and warehouse location in supply chains with uncertain demands. 01.03
2. An empirical comparison of Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, and Genetic Algorithms for facilities location problems. 01.25
3. Closed-Loop Supply Chains for Spent Batteries. 02.13

Kwon, Yong Ju - Ph,D

1. Development of a Fuel Consumption Optimization Model for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. 01.17

Lee, Chul Won - M.S

1. Optimal manufacturing and remanufacturing capacities of systems with reverse logistics and deterministic uniform demand. 01.09

Yu, Jae Min - Ph,D

1. Adjustment of heads and tails for the job-shop problem. 01.17

Yu, Zhou Jing - M.S

1. Dynamic Version of The Economic Lot Size Model 01.09

[ SUMMER 2012]

Kim, Ji Su - Ph.D

1. Multi-period reverse logistics network design. 07.04
2. Multi-period reverse logistics network design. 08.01
3. Location-routing: Issues, models and methods. 08.21
4. Robust sustainable bi-directional logistics network design under uncertainty. 08.26