Choi, Young Jae (최영재)
Research Area:
Occupation: 코카콜라(Coca-Cola)
2012 M.S. Graduation Thesis:
Meta-heuristics for heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing considering carbon emission and trading
Heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing, which is an extension of the classical capaci-tated vehicle routing problem, is the problem of determining a set of vehicle routes start-ing/ending at the depot, which satisfies customer demands and vehicle capacities for a given heterogeneous fleet of vehicles. As an extension of the previous studies, this study considers the problem with carbon emission and trading for the objective of minimizing the sum of variable operation costs and costs (benefits) associated with carbon emission (trading). The problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming model and then, due to the com-plexity of the problem, two types of meta-heuristics, simulated annealing and tabu search, are suggested to obtain good quality solutions within a reasonable amount of computation time. Computational experiments were done on the existing benchmark instances with a certain modification, and the results are reported. In particular, we show from the test instances that the total cost can be reduced due to benefits from carbon trading although carbon emission is additionally considered.
Lab Seminars:
1. |
A list based threshold accepting metaheuristic for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem. |
2011.8.23 |
2. |
A heuristic for vehicle fleet mix problem using tabu search and set partitioning. |
2011.7.12 |
3. |
A hybrid optimization-simulation approach for a distribution network design of 3PLS. |
2010.2.22 |
4. |
design for end-of-lease computer products recovery. |
2010. 1.13 |
5. |
A search heuristic for the sequence-dependent economic lot scheduling problem. (8.04) |
2010 |
6. |
Sequencing Mixed-Model Assembly Lines with Genetic algorithms. (8.24) |
2010 |
7. |
nformation sharing in supply chains. (2.25) |
2009 |