PLI Lab. News
2021.06.04 |
2021 Spring KIIE/KORMS Joint Conference
2021년 06월 02일부터 06월 05일까지 ICC제주국제컨벤션센터에서 개최된 2021 대한산업공학회/한국경영과학회 춘계학술대회에 참석하여 도형호 박사과정, 최윤혁 석사과정, 허성식 석사과정 그리고 김현일 석사과정이 연구논문을 발표하였습니다.
발표한 주제는 아래와 같습니다.
"Dynamic Lot-sizing for Remanufacturing Systems with Components Commonality"
"Disassembly Leveling and Lot-sizing for Products with Parts Commonality and Uncertain Component Demands"
"A Priority Rule based Scheduling Approach for a Flexible Manufacturing System with Multi-fixturing Pallets"
"Mathematical Model and Simple Heuristic for Flow Shop Scheduling with Reworks under Overlapped Queue Time Limits" |
2020.11.18 |
BK21+ Four 미래 인재 양성사업 교육 연구팀 선정
한양대학교 산업공학과는 2020년 9월부터 7년간 진행될 BK21+ 4단계 사업에 미래 인재 양성사업의 교육 연구팀으로 선정되었습니다. BK21+ 사업은 세계적인 수준의 대학원 육성과 우수한 연구 인력 양성을 위해 석ㆍ박사 및 신진 연구 인력을 지원하는 정부의 고등교육 인력 양성사업입니다.
해당 기간동안 생산및물류정보연구실(PLI Lab.)은 '공유와 협력에 기반한 스마트 시스템 교육 연구팀(An education and research team for sharing and cooperation based smart systems)'에 참여하여 BK21+ 미래인재양성사업(과학기술분야)을 수행합니다. |
2020.11.13 |
2020 Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers(KIIE) Fall Conference
2020년 11월 13일 서울과학기술대학교에서 개최된 2020 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회에 참석하여
도형호 박사과정과 허성식 석사과정이 연구논문을 발표하였습니다.
발표한 주제는 아래와 같습니다.
"Dynamic Lot-sizing Algorithms for Disassembly and Reprocessing Processes in Remanufacturing Systems with Multi-level Structured Products" - Hyoung-Ho Doh, Yun-Hyuk Choi, Dong-Ho Lee*
"Priority Rule based Scheduling for a Flexible Manufacturing System with Multiple Loading/Unloading Stations and Multi-fixturing Pallets" - Jung-Hoon Shin, Haneol Choi, Seong-Sik Heo, Dong-Ho Lee* |
2020.05.15 |
2020 Teacher's Day
2019.12.03 |
Choi, Haneol has passed her M.S. defense. |
2019.05.18 |
Cho, Yooney has passed her M.S. defense. |
2017.12.03 |
Kim, Hyung-Won has passed his PhD thesis defense.
Yu, Jae-Min has passed his PhD thesis defense.
ISSA BOU ZEID has passed his MS thesis defense.
Lee, Dong-Kyu has passed his MS thesis defense. |
2017.05.18 |
Zhou, Yi-Dong has passed his MS thesis defense. |
2016.05.23 |
Dr. KIM, Ji-Su won a postdoctoral research scholarship from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), Korea Government. He will join the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada. |
2016.05.18 |
KIM, Jong-Min has passed his MS thesis defense.
JOO, Ga-Hyeon has passed her MS thesis defense.
AKMAL, Ulugov has passed his MS thesis defense. |
2015.12.03 |
Ms.Rong Huang has passed the defense of her MS thesis. |